The Future Belongs to Traditional Enterprises

---Hebei Yudiao Hoisting Embraces its Good Times
      Jack Ma, the Chairman of Alibaba Group pointed out that the traditional manufacturing industry will usher in a huge change in the next three decades and if the past two decades were the times of Internet companies, then the next three decades will be traditional enterprises’ turn which will experience change of fission and restructure, thus bringing innovation in the speech of 2015 International Investment Forum. The consumption data will determine what the factory produces instead of what the factory produce decides the consumption. The future tends to C2C from B2C which means reform in manufacturing and cost. There is a great opportunity for China’s manufacturing. The reformation of China’s manufacturing is not as simple as what we think today instead of being based on innovation and wisdom.  "The next decade is the year of transformation of Chinese manufacturers, a large number of traditional manufacturing enterprises will be eliminated while a number of new manufacturing enterprises will emerge, you have to have a sense of crisis as a traditional manufacturing enterprises. only those who are brave to break the rules are left a chance to survive, Mr. Kou Jianhui said.
       Hebei Yudiao Hoisting Equipment Co. Ltd was renamed as Hebei Yudiao Hoisting Equipment Technology Co., Ltd which implies the adjustment of strategy. The company will enhance its capability in technology and research which follows the trends of automation, intelligent development of China’s manufacturing in order to provide consumers with the products they need or the most proper resolution.  The trend of mass manufacturing go towards customized manufacturing to adapt to the general trend of producing to service. 
In the blueprint of Mr. Kou Jianhui, the future of Hebei Yudiao Hoisting will turn into a enterprise of technology research from a manufacturing. It will introduce cloud computing, large data, software, communications and many of other disciplines into the development of lifting equipment to achieve the digitilaziton, network, intelligentialization.